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保证令人满意的最终用户体验, 无论你是提供直播内容还是视频点播, 需要弹性, ensuring that the stream doesn’t break down regardless of the scale, 爆发, 或其他交付需求的波动. 直播和视频点播面临的挑战不同, 在大多数情况下,现场证明更具挑战性.

马克·德容主席 CDN联盟, discusses these key challenges and how to address them with Michael Demb, VP, Product Strategy, 标签和Bob Hannent,首席架构师:技术运营, DAZN,在这个剪辑中 流媒体连接2023.

De Jong asks Demb to discuss some of the most important elements of resilient live streams beyond taking a multi-CDN approach.

Demb emphasizes that VOD streaming is not at all like live streaming because when streaming live, 几乎没有犯错的余地. “If I have to choose my top three differentiators from a pure distribution perspective,他说, “一个是延迟. 在视频点播中,没有所谓的延迟. (然后是)可扩展性,当然还有质量保证. How do you make sure that you're delivering the right quality of video? So to ensure that live streaming works smoothly, real-time monitoring is key. You need to know exactly what is happening with the streams at every moment. If something starts going wrong, you need to catch that fast and fix it even faster. 这是至关重要的. So in terms of scalability, live events, especially sports…they can be huge and unpredictable. Spikes in viewership can start from 10 viewers and grow to 10,000 and maybe even 10 million. 你不知道你会有多少用户. 这意味着你需要一个非常灵活的设置, 实时性能测量, and that can quickly identify those bottlenecks and make the switching decisions.”

Demb说 that there can be embarrassing and unsatisfying user experiences if there is too much latency during live streams, which can result in occurrences such as the final scores of a match appearing on the phones of users before they actually see the winning goal. “So our customers invest a lot of effort in reducing their streaming latency and ensuring it stays low,他说. “And TAG is helping them to measure those latencies and make those decisions. TAG最近才重新加入 流媒体视频技术联盟(SVTA) to help identify the best methods of measuring latency in live streaming. SVTA has published a number of papers on the subject that were part of that work in the past. And soon we'll have a cloud-based test environment to test real live use cases for low latency streaming and measurement.”

关于内容质量, Demb说, “So you need to make sure that this video stream gets to your audience at the highest quality possible without any delays or buffering. 这意味着, 首先, choosing the right format codec to reduce the bitrate as much as possible without losing quality. 为此,您还需要适当的监控解决方案. So, having the right tools with very practical and actionable KPIs is the key. 例如,质量下降. 你需要一个监控工具,可以告诉你到底发生了什么, 给你指出正确的方向, 也有助于理解其根本原因, 不只是告诉你质量从5降到了3. 这是不太可行的. So you don't want some actionable KPIs and actionable alarms that will point you to where the problem is.”

Hannent agrees with these points and notes that sports fans are far less forgiving of live-streaming errors than VOD viewers. “There is nothing worse than the anger of a sports fan who isn't able to watch their content,他说. “如果你没能出版的话 权力的游戏 正确地说,这将是一个问题,也许是一个相当的问题,激情. 我不相信. I think 99% of the time, if you can't watch the piece of VOD you want, you'll find something else. If you have decided the appointment to view is that game, you've got to deliver it. You can get the CDN infrastructure lined up and you can get the video chain sorted, 但是会在你的api上踩踏, 试图获得CDN链接的踩踏, 试图获得DRM许可证的人群. 如果你让所有人同时点击贴图, 或者更糟, 你的CDN有故障, 人们会轮换, 或者你的系统同步旋转,我见过40个,000 requests in two seconds to the backend and going from a baseline of less than 500. 这是一种上升.”

Hannent提到自动缩放并不是万灵药. “自动缩放在大多数时候都不起作用, 这是一个很一般的说法, 概括性陈述, 但你必须非常小心自动缩放,他说. “But we have multiple regions located around the world, so that load can shift if something happens.”

他谈到了“headends”以及DAZN如何有效地利用它们. 他表示:“我们面临两个主要的不利因素. “两个辅助端和一个灾难恢复端. 所谓前端,我指的是编码器和打包器以及所有这些东西. So that is a very high level of resilience, and all that needs to be monitored as well. 你监控的水平是否达到了你需要的水平? And there's another element: Do you want them to be coupled or decoupled? How do you want to ensure that impact on one system doesn't have an impact on another?”

完整的会议 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. 我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多细节请点击这里.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


对于高风险的, 大规模流, 冗余是确保平稳可靠交付的关键. 这意味着要仔细监控, 良好的决策, and seamless network switching-also known as hitless failover-and making sure streams are precisely synced so the switch is invisible to the end user. 这段视频来自流媒体连接2023, DAZN的鲍勃·汉内特报道, TAG视频系统公司的Michael Demb说, and CDN联盟 chair Mark de Jong discuss the challenges of ensuring stream resiliency and strategies for maintaining it.

Is Multi-CDN Always the Answer for Five-Nines Uptime Streaming at Scale?

Taking a multi-CDN approach would seem to be a no-brainer for delivering 大规模流 to global audiences and maximizing uptime in the face of 爆发, 意外的区域需求, 以及其他阻碍高风险资金顺利输送的障碍. 但DAZN的鲍勃·汉内特表示,情况并非总是如此, 多cdn方法实际上会导致效率低下, in this discussion with CDN联盟 Chairman Mark de Jong at 流媒体连接2023.


Jef Kethley of LiveSports talks about how his organization develops solid resiliency models in varying production environments through the use of multiple data centers and cost-effective cloud production.


AWS Solutions Marketing Manager Kiran Patel explains the benefits of a cloud native architecture for enhancing stream redundany and resiliency in this clip from 流媒体 West 2019.
