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What is the current state of CTV ad revenue and what are the present costs of serial churn? 首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAP, 概述了当前流媒体的收入情况, as the SVOD side of the house contends with serial churn and the imminent revival of a sluggish ad market promises uneven distribution, 这是他在 流媒体东部2023.

夏皮罗说:“资金正蜂拥向流媒体. “Connected television advertising has been the fastest growing part of the advertising economy for the last two or three years. 然而,并不是所有的流都是相同的. When you think about premium SVOD advertising products, that phrase carries a lot of baggage. 最明显的是搅拌.” He shows a graphic titled “Serial Churners Share of New SVOD Signups in 2022,,其中特别突出了来自 天线 displaying the dramatic increase in serial churners from 15% in 2020 to 29% in 2022. Shapiro says that serial churners are “People who have signed up for and canceled at least three services. 去年,我们对16000人做了一项调查. 40% of people under the age of 44 now occasionally or regularly sign up for a service, 狂看一部剧, 然后滚出道奇. 40%的连续搅动是新的频道转换. 所以当有人大量生产时, 当有人取消订阅时, 他们不仅失去了订户收入, 他们也失去了那些广告印象.”

Shapiro says, “So if you're taking an ongoing campaign, the number one churning month in 网飞公司 去年7月,他们放弃了最后一场狂欢 陌生的东西. 历史上取消次数最多的一次. So they came in, people watched it in a weekend or a week and then got the heck out of Dodge. 如果你在网飞公司上做广告,这对你有好处吗?他拿出了一幅题为《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的图表. 补充说,“从天线的信息.

“这是数百万个数据点,”他说. 而在去年第四季度,所有的SVOD都签约了41家.300万用户流失了33万.800万订户. 损失了82%. 这是糟糕的生意. 顺便说一下, 对于那些注册了很多平台的广告商来说,这可不是什么好事, 但我们也正处于经济衰退之中. 这是美国广告购买量连续9个月下降. 然而, a bold prediction for you, the ad recession will end this July. 想知道我是怎么知道数学的吗? 看看这里发生了什么. The reason why we're in an ad recession is primarily due to the comparison to the year prior, 看看一月份, 看看二月, 看看三月. 保持这样的速度很难,对吧? Now in July, the comparison's going to be easier than it was a year ago. The ad recession's going to end magically in the middle of this summer because math, 今年秋天你会听到广告卷土重来的消息, 正确的?”

然而, Shapiro says the share will not be as evenly distributed as before. 他说:“广告将投放到广告效果最好的地方。. “They're not going places where the data sucks, or we're not sure whether they're working.” He displays a graphic titled “US Advertisers Video Budget Allocations.“这是一项对广告主的民意调查。 广告看法他说。. “And what you can see is this year people moved money out of the upfront, 从大品牌广告转向分散的绩效营销. 这种情况在前期就发生了,而且全年都会发生. 绩效营销,媒体投资回报,广告支出回报. Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) and Return On Advertising Spend (ROAS). These are going to be the magic words on a moving forward basis for the advertising economy.”

Shapiro counters any perception that FAST will essentially replace cable as a key advertising medium. “我只是觉得说出来没那么容易. I think it's going to be a much more nuanced play between paid streaming and free streaming. 原因之一是:我们一直在增加这么多频道.他提到 , offering over 600 channels, as an example of highly fragmented programming. “然而他说。, “what I will tell you is news is one of the big reasons why these channels have been proliferating, 它是FAST上最大的用例之一.”

仍然, Shapiro says he believes the landscape will look much more like streaming versus “old school” television. “I don't think you're going to see as much nuance between FAST and paid streaming with ads, 尤其是当你看谁有广告的时候他说。. 

他展示了一幅题为“广告代理商vs .广告代理商”的图片. 2022年第四季度无广告订阅.”“所以不是所有的流都是一样的,对吧?他说. “网飞公司 came out and said they had 5 million monthly active users in the upfront. YouTube 有2个.50亿月活跃用户. 你打算买哪一种? But more importantly, not that much of 网飞公司's programming or views has ads in it. 也一样 迪斯尼+,也一样。 苹果电视+ ——零广告,尽管他们将在今年晚些时候开始添加广告. 甚至 主要的 上面几乎没有广告吗. 然而, 免费的vee, 派拉蒙+, 冥王星他们有更多的广告. 如果你是广告商,你打算把钱投到哪里? Are you going to put your money where a hundred percent of the available ecosystem has an ad product in it? [Or] are you going to put it where only 1% of the ecosystem has an ad product in it?”

了解有关流媒体行业主题的更多信息,请访问 流媒体连接2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


用户流失是流媒体服务不可避免的现实, and much of the strategic thinking that goes into trying to make SVOD profitable focuses on how to minimize its impact, 无论是通过提供更多的内容, 整合广告层, 或者进入各种捆绑场景. 那么2024年哪些是可行的,哪些是无效的? 五领M & eshap的埃文·夏皮罗报道, 我是保罗·埃里克森, Dataxis的Ophelie Boucaud说, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, and Hub's Jon Giegengack—discuss current strategies to ward off churn-pocalypse in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


在广告效果评估中没有“普遍的事实来源”, 央视广告主如何准确地衡量他们的成功? ESHAP's Evan Shapiro and Atmosphere TV's Lana LoRusso discuss the challenges and some strategic approaches for effective CTV ad measurement in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


Why did 免费的 Ad-Supported Streaming Television (FAST) take off in such a significant way in 2020? LG北美创新与开发团队高级总监, 马修Durgin, discusses this topic with VP Marketing for 丛 Scott Hancock and media cartographer Evan Shapiro in this clip from their 流媒体东部2023 panel.


As streaming media and CTV overtake broadcast as the most watched form of entertainment television, media cartographer Evan Shapiro breaks down how that usage is distributed via OTT and other channels 这是他在 流媒体东部2023.


As ad-driven monetization increasingly takes center stage in the OTT and premium content worlds today, 哪里的广告支出增长最快, 底层技术是如何发展的? Quickplay's Chris Drake and Altman Solon's Jonathan Hurd discuss current and emerging trends in ad-based streaming content monetization--particularly in the sports world--in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 West 2022.


How much have recent inflationary pressures been driving OTT SVOD churn in combination with an increase in FAST services, and what are the best possible approaches to meeting new consumer streaming needs in this present economy?